Thank you to the 80 Trailblazers!

Thank you to the 80 Trailblazers!

A massive thank you to the 80 Trailblazers that turned up last Wednesday (15th August); it makes the Amsterdam Salesforce User Group so wonderful to organise. We got near 100% turnout which is mad! There’s lots of great content coming up – even...
What is Ohana?

What is Ohana?

I’ve recently picked up a habit for blogging, and one question I’ve heard more often than I expected is “What is ‘Ohana’?”. Usually, this question comes from people outside the Salesforce ecosystem, but not always. I’ve written this...
Trailhead, unlocking your potential

Trailhead, unlocking your potential

We’ve met amazing people recently… All of these people were more excited than they had been mere months ago(!); they had learned new skills and opened doors that they hadn’t realised existed, all without risk – what’s their secret? Originally published on the...