Three Big Mistakes – what have I learned?

Three Big Mistakes – what have I learned?

You typically spend far less time at the destination, than on the actual journey itself. Given that, I’m going to share with you a few too interesting journeys that I have been on and the lessons I’ve learned – partly because I want to demonstrate that this...
A Guide to Being Perfect

A Guide to Being Perfect

“Hands up who here is perfect?” asked the awesome Helen Garcia. No one raised their hands. Not a single person. But what if Helen had instead asked the room of Salesforce professionals “Who here is a perfectionist?” I’m willing to bet good money that at least 75% of...
Don’t touch anything! Are you getting Backups wrong?

Don’t touch anything! Are you getting Backups wrong?

 “It’s all in the cloud isn’t it?” is the biggest refrain I hear from any nearly acquired customer that I look after. But Salesforce is not like Google. It is a cloud-based service, but that doesn’t mean that it hoovers up all your data and stores it whether you...
Nonprofits – When is Salesforce is a Great Choice?

Nonprofits – When is Salesforce is a Great Choice?

Salesforce has been around for years, surely everyone knows what it is good for? The truth is that this changes over time. Salesforce, the company, is currently going through a period of change, and competitors are catching up, so we (Eli & Paul) thought we would...