How to reduce Clicks for Admins (clue: Heeeeeelp!)

A "confirm redirect?" message from Salesforce

Written by Paul Ginsberg

8th May 2024

Call for support! I promise you’ll benefit! (ok, if you’re not a Salesforce Admin, you’ll still be making Paul happy – how much more of a reward do you want?!)

There’s quite a few subscribers to this blog these days. I am grateful for these kindred souls. Follow the (single) tip in this article and hopefully you will be making your life easier as well as following Salesforce Best Practice of streamlining solutions, reducing technical debt and having a bit of “vocal” (clickable) fun on route!

You click on the Help button within Salesforce.

If you click on “Get Support” you get an annoying redirect message which you have to click on. This then takes you to

Is this website somehow dodgy? Is there something we should be aware of?

BUT HOLD ON! Let’s instead click on the option directly underneath Get Support on the same help menu: “View Release Notes.” That takes us directly to the same aforementioned den of concern, erm, but without any redirect notice. Suddenly the domain is trustworthy and doesn’t need any warning.

A screenshot of the Salesforce Help menu

Simple solution.

Salesforce, can you please save us admins time and get rid of the redirect message when clicking “Get Support”. It doesn’t add any value that I – or my friends and colleagues – can figure out. It’s just tedious. Let’s try keeping Salesforce a pleasure to use!

Click here to login, and then to vote on this in the IdeaExchange.

p.s. Big shout out to the Idea Exchange team, who have now added a Preview button (which was one of my earlier ideas!), and makes for fewer typos, I hope, when crafting new submissions.

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