What is YeurLeadin’?

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Written by Paul Ginsberg

13th November 2018

What is YeurLeadin’?

YeurLeadin’ is the universe’s first event targetted for all EMEA community group leaders. It’s also the universe’s first meeting for EMEA community group leaders by community groups leaders. How much more does it take to impress you?  It’s already two things in one, but can it get even better? Of course it can… Keep reading!

Well, let’s start with this: is it a conference?

You get to confer. You get to talk to like minded folk who also run community groups, you (ok, “we” actually, because we’re CGLs too!) get to exchange ideas, learn from each other, find out what works, what doesn’t work, have a bit of a gossip to understand the personalities of everyone involved and get a deeper understanding of the community (hey, of Ohana too!). But no, it’s not a conference as that might mismanage expectations, so we’re having a Gathering!

So, we’ll all be standing around chatting?

No! Well, yes, for a bit, but there will be presentations, an awesome keynote (we know who that’ll be, but we’re building up the suspense!), interactive workshops, and food! But, as well as all that, yes, time for networking.

But is it going to be worth my time?

There’s loads of resources out there in the community, about what’s good and what’s bad, but deciphering what’s going to work for you is hard work. We know that. This is a structured event, which will focus purely on Community Group matters – how to improve the one you’re running (whether you’re fairly new, been doing this for ages and want a fresh angle, or have taken over an existing group), how to get the best speakers, how to gain buy-in from sponsors, tips when it comes to finding suitable venues and best practices all under one roof. Money simply can’t buy the experience and expertise that will be on offer.


Money might make the world go round, but through generous sponsorship from the Communities Team, this event is free! (not your accommodation or travel; that’s for you to sort!)

Ok, I’m in, now what?

We’re not ready to release the tickets yet, we thought it might take a little more arm twisting, so go tell your CGL friends! Tickets will be released in early January, but here are the important bits! You’ll want to reserve the Saturday, 15th June in your diary and start looking at holidays in Amsterdam. You also might want to keep your eye on the YeurDreamin’ website, as there’s another Salesforce-related event happening the day before in Amsterdam, almost as if it were planned that way…

Want to know more?

Follow us on @yeurleadin on Twitter or, better yet, sign up to our mailing list to get all the details! https://www.yeurleadin.eu/mailing-list/

p.s. Although focused for EMEA CGLs and those needs, all CGLs are very welcome!

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